Sl.PhotoTitle / SubjectWritten ByDescription 
1 Supreme Court monitored housing Projects in the doldrumDr VK BahugunaDrug and alcohol abuse in adolescence is a major cause of concern today. Every seizure of huge contraband items and arrest raises the concern of every individual, more particularly to parents and teac .
2 Circumlocution: Jishnu’s tongue-in-cheek on Greater Tipraland demandJishnu Dev VarmaCircumlocution: Jishnu’s tongue-in-cheek on Greater Tipraland demand .
3 'Armed militants infiltrating', but Mizoram may face shortage of central forcesNirendra DevInternational community has started speaking up on behalf of Bangladesh. The 1971 Bangladesh Genocide .
4 International  Community demands 1971 Bangladesh Genocide recognitionPradip Kumar DuttaInternational community has started speaking up on behalf of Bangladesh. The 1971 Bangladesh Genocide .
5 A million dollar questionPradip Kumar DuttaDid Netaji Subhash really die in the Taihoku air crash? History says so .
6 'Operation Midnight' against PFI was a great team workNirendra Dev'Operation Midnight' against PFI was a great team work .
7 A new enquiry commission is a dire emergency needed one in Bangladesh: Part-1By Anwar A. KhanA new enquiry commission is a dire emergency needed one in Bangladesh .
8 A new enquiry commission, a dire emergency needed one in Bangladesh: Part-2By Anwar A. KhanA new enquiry commission, a dire emergency needed one in Bangladesh .
9 THE LONE WOLF ...Manas PalLone wolf attack is virtually impossible to prevent. Someone sitting alone in a small room somewhere up in an obscure building in any part of this – huge, huge world with one laptop in front of him, m .
10 The carnage on 15 August 1975 in Bangladesh shook the whole worldBy Anwar A. Khan It is not a simple murder only by the anti-Bangladesh malefactors and their ill-chums - the obnoxious nexus of America’s CIA and Pakistan’s ISI. It was a murder of a sky-touching figure like Bangaban .
11 Development Perception Survey of Tripura Calls for Co-creation, Multi-stakeholder Engagements-IBy Abhishek Chaturvedi and Sharmila ChhotarayIt’s been a positive start by the NDA-led govts. at Centre and Tripura State since 2018 with the kind of economic and social push, despite the covid blow. .
12 Development Perception Survey of Tripura Calls for Co-creation, Multi-stakeholder Engagements-IIBy Abhishek Chaturvedi and Sharmila ChhotarayOverall, key development issues highlighted by respondents were jobs (71%), health (56%), education (54%), inflation (33%), Covid and corruption (25% each), peace, law and order (23%). .
13 Perils of Government breaking Rule of lawDr VK BahugunaThe cardinal principle of good Governance is ‘Rule of Law’ and it is exemplified by equality of all citizens before the law and total avoidance of arbitrariness in use of power. .
14 UTTARAKHAND POLITICS: GOVERNANCE AFTER 2022 ASSEMBLY ELECTIONVK BahugunaThe BJP has yet again won the two third majority in the 2022 assembly elections and is poised to form the government. The people have voted it back to power despite the dismal performance of its gover .
15 MEANT NO MALICE, SIRManas PalFace the fact: Call it idiotic ignorance or deliberate apathy, fact remains- not many people, including national level leaders, or for that matter, top writers, intellectuals of the country remember N .